Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's Spring...or was!

Hmmm...where to start. I've been incredibly busy with graphic design projects which is a good thing and the excuse I'm using for not updating this more often. Not too much has been happening around here. We've just been busy with random stuff. It's currently snowing which is such a bummer after the past few days we've had. Welcome to Colorado! :)

John had the day off yesterday. He woke me up at 5:30 (I know...I was thinking the same thing). He made me get in the car (pj's and all), blindfolded me and took me to a little spot very close to our house to watch the sunrise. It was absolutely amazing! The spot was up on top of a hill so we could see forever. We had a great view of the mountains and couldn't have asked for a better day (It ended up being over 80 degrees). We then went home and had breakfast and took a nap. We took the beagles to the dog park and got some good exercise. We took them home and then we went and had ice cream at Cold Stone and went to a lake by our house and did some more walking. I finally had some energy and we definitely took advantage of it. It was a perfect day! What an amazing husband I have!

Baby is doing good and kicking and moving around like crazy. We've been able to feel it kicking (from the outside) for about 3 weeks now. It's such a bizarre and amazing feeling. We definitely have ourselves a soccer player or my mom thinks a boxer like my dad. I'm currently 19 weeks (19w5d). We have our ultrasound next Tuesday and find out the sex. Hopefully we don't have a modest baby because I'm dying to find out if it's a boy or girl. STAY TUNED!!!

To catch up...We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again at our 16 week appt. The heart rate was 178 and normal.
These pics were taken at 16 weeks (I know...I'm behind). I'll post more next week!