Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Taylor and I spent the afternoon at the Denver Zoo with Jenni, Jacob and Xander yesterday. It was a beautiful day (almost 70 degrees) which gave me spring fever really bad. Can't wait to be outside doing stuff like this every day. Of course I forgot my camera so these pics are all taken from my cell phone. Sorry for the terrible quality.

Watching the elephants

Had to take pictures of the eagles for John

Waiting in line to ride the carosel

On the carosel


Sunday, February 22, 2009


We went out for a walk today to enjoy the nice weather and stopped at one of the playgrounds in the neighborhood to let Taylor swing for the first time. She had a blast!

We also have some SAD news...we gave away our dog Sara last night. She had nipped at Taylor a couple of times and we just couldn't risk it. We found her a great home and are really happy about our decision. The family already has 2 beagles and they spend a lot of time with them. They are great people and we think Sara is going to be really happy there. They already sent us pictures this morning of Sara playing in the yard, laying in the sun and sleeping on the couch (some of her favorite things!). She got to sleep in their son's bed last night and already follows him everywhere he goes. We're sure going to miss her but I think it was definitely the best decision.