Saturday, August 28, 2010

Park and Fish Hatchery

While my cousin and his family were here we took them to the Fish Hatchery and Park. The girls had a blast! They're so stinkin' cute!

Checking out the fish

Miss Ashley on the slide

Wading in the creek with daddy

So dramatic! :)


My cousin Matt and his family came to stay with us for a night on their way to Chamberlain in June. The circus was in Deadwood that day so we decided to go check it out. We had a great time and the girls loved it.

National Anthem (notice Taylor's hand on her heart)

Matt and sweet little Audrey

Ashley & Taylor had the giggles...


Courtney and Ashley (beautiful girls)

Class of '98 Kiddos

We had a small get-together with some of the girls that I graduated with that live here or were visiting. It was great to see everyone and let all the kiddos play together.

Little Fish

John's parents came to visit for a weekend in June. They spent a night at a hotel near our house so we jumped on the opportunity to let Taylor swim. She's such a water baby and has absolutely no fear. She loves to swim and is really good at it.

Taylor and Grandma Patty trying out the new bubble machine that Grandma and Papa brought her...

Shootout Champion!

In June, John was asked to be a part of the celebrity shootout fundraiser during Wild Bill Days in Deadwood. He reluctantly agreed to be a part of it but was a little nervous as he's not much of a gun person. It was a fast-draw competition and they used digital targets with wax bullets. He competed with 30+ people and ended up winning the entire thing! Go John! He's a cowboy at heart! :)