Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Whoa Baby...The Countdown Has Begun!!!

We're 9 months pregnant and on our way to parenthood!
I had my 36 week Dr. Appt today and baby is definitely getting ready to go. She has dropped and is in position. I am 90% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Yikes! Things are moving along (very quickly) . We could have a baby any day now or I could walk around like this for a month. Everyone is different and there is no way to predict anything. So, I guess I should get moving and get everything done just in case. We're sitting pretty good but I still have a bunch of clothes to wash and put away in the nursery and a few more things to buy. I'm also trying to get all of my design projects finished up for work so that I don't have to worry about it with baby here. Hopefully I have enough time to finish it all up!
I'm still feeling good. My joints are starting to hurt a little more as they loosen and prepare for this baby but nothing too serious (just not fun sitting at my computer most of the day). I'm a little crampy feeling today but don't know if that really means anything. I haven't felt any contractions or anything yet.
Everything else at my appt today was good. I did lose 2 pounds since my last appt (That drops me down to 10 lbs overall weightgain) and my doctor was a little worried so she tested my thyroid. I should have that test back in the next couple of days and will keep you posted. Baby is still measuring good so there is no risk there. It just doesn't make sense why I'm not gaining any weight because I'm eating like an elephant!! I'm not kidding! I start going to see the doctor every week now until we deliver. I'll keep you updated.

36 Weeks

We have the nursery pretty much all finished now. This baby better be a girl because it's definitely PINK! I made the bumpers and crib skirt and covered the lamp. It was a little frustrating because I don't know how to sew all that well but I think they turned out great. I'm very happy with them. My grandma would be proud! :) The walls are still pretty bare so I need to find something to go on them and a little more decorating to do but other than that, I think we're done. How cute are the letters above the crib? My friend Corrie made those and gave them to me as a shower gift. Thanks girl!!
I'm so glad that it all came together. It's very peaceful just sitting in there thinking about the sweet little girl that's going to be living in there very soon. (maybe sooner than we think!

Hope you all are doing well. Please keep baby Taylor and John and I in your thoughts and prayers and we near the big day! We'll keep you updated!