Tuesday, June 21, 2011


In early May we decided to take Taylor to the circus. We took her to one last summer but figured she would get more out of it now that she's older. We had a great time. It's so much fun to have a kid in this stage. She was scared of the clowns and all the flashing lights to start with but nothing a little cotton candy, popcorn and flashy toy wouldn't fix :) She was really good and even got a pony ride at the end.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sticker Mania!

This kid loves stickers and this is what happens when you leave her alone with them. :)

Time Flies

I absolutely love this picture of Taylor and Sadie looking out the window at my parent's house and have tried to re-create it whenever I have the chance. My, how time flies...

May 2009 - 8 months old

February 2010 - 17 months

April 2011 - 31 months