Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kool Deadwood Nights

Last weekend was Kool Deadwood Nights in Deadwood. It's a huge classic car festival that they have every year. It's fun to walk around and look at all the custom cars and listen to the concerts on Main Street. John and I have never actually been to it until this year. Some of our fam from CO came for it so we met them on Saturday night and had a great time. I didn't actually get any pics of the cars or concerts (I know...I know). I stole the one above from online and I snapped a couple of Taylor being crazy and insisting on eating her snack in the middle of Main Street (It was blocked off...don't worry). :)


A couple of weeks ago the company I work for had a lake day. They rented a pontoon at Pactola lake and one of my co-workers brought his boat. We spent the day getting some much needed sun, floating, swimming, cliff-jumping (i'm still sore!), water skiing, eating and having a few drinks! It was great!

Wiggin' Out!

One of my co-workers/friends is getting married in a couple of weeks so we had a "Wiggin' Out" Bachelorette party for her. We had dinner and went out for drinks in Deadwood and everyone had to wear wigs! It was super fun and a great idea for a bachelorette party. Here's what I look like with purple hair!

Me, Mindy (the bride) and Amanda - My co-workers

The whole group

Playing Dress-up

Aunt Tracy sent Taylor a whole box of princess stuff and boy did she have fun with it! She loves anything "pwitty".

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Since the beginning of July our house has been flooded with words like:
potty, stickers, wash hands, yay, I did it!, etc.
Taylor did this completely on her own. I was convinced that she was too young but she has proven me wrong. We still don't have it completely down but she stays dry during the day for the most part. I just let her take control and do whatever she wanted with this whole thing and she's been amazing. She has completely filled up her first sticker chart (50+ stickers). She gets one every time she goes. Smart little girl! She's getting so big!

After the first time!


We bought a camper this summer but have only used it once so far. We took it to Keyhole Lake at the end of July for Taylor's first camping experience. We had a great time and the weather was perfect. Taylor did great! She had fun playing at the beach and in the lake (of course!). We cooked some great food and just enjoyed getting away for the weekend. Having a camper is a whole new experience and we LOVE it! Now hopefully we can use it again before the summer is over.

All set up!

We had a perfect campsite right on the lake. It's absolutely beautiful there. Right after we got there we saw a bald eagle swoop down for a fish right in front of us.

Taylor and Daddy checking out the lake.

After Taylor would go to bed we would sit down by the lake and read for awhile and just sit by the fire and relax. It was so peaceful!

Beautiful sunset

Sadie liked camping too


This was the view we woke up to from our camper

And the view from inside...


John making breakfast

Stylin' Girl

Taylor LOVES to wear hats (only when it's her idea) and knows how cute she is while wearing them. She always puts them on backwards and struts around. She's such a little stinker and keeps us entertained daily!

4th of July

We had a fun and busy 4th of July weekend! We had quite a few friends in town and some of our family from Colorado was here at their cabin. We spent an afternoon at the cabin with them enjoying the beautiful scenery, playing pasture golf and four-wheeling. We always have a great time with them and miss them so much!

Taylor & Xander playing on the lawn mower


Four Wheeling (John, Taylor, Cole & Jacob)

John & Taylor (Her first time four-wheeling)

We came up on a herd of elk

Xander man passed out! (love the goggles)

The sun setting on the trees made them look like they were on fire. The photo doesn't do it justice.

On the 4th we went to Belle Fourche for the Parade. We definitely realized we were back in South Dakota when the only things we saw in the parade were horses and trucks but Taylor loved it and had fun going after all the candy.

That night we went to Lead to watch the fireworks. It was a great show!

Taylor and daddy watching fireworks

Our good friends, Megan and Kirby were here from Oregon so on Monday we went over to Megan's family's house and took the kids for a ride around their land on the golf carts and hung out and had an amazing bbq. It's always so great to see them! Our friends Noah & Sarah were here that weekend too. I didn't get any pics of them but it was great to see them too! :)

Riding on the golf carts (Jefferson, Megan, Taylor & Audri)

Audri, Taylor, Megan & Jeff

Taylor & Jeff riding horses

Sharing snacks