Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Some random pics from the last couple of months...

Wearing mommy's clothes

Sleepy baby

We went to Storybook Island for Jackson's bday party.
It was pretty cold out but we got to play a little.

Eating all by herself at Fuddruckers

Baby in a toybox

Who taught this kid how to eat?

Laid back

Easter 2010

Considering there was snow on the ground, we had a great Easter this year. John and I had way too much fun picking out Easter bunny gifts and spent way too much money but it was too tempting! :)
We took Taylor to her first Easter egg hunt in the park. It was pure chaos! Everyone was told to stay behind the line until they blew the horn. As soon as it went off kids were running in all directions. Poor Taylor didn't know what was going on and by the time she had a chance to even move all the eggs were gone. Luckily a couple of sweet little boys shared a few eggs with her. She got her picture taken with the Easter Bunny and did great! Nothing like Santa! She wasn't thrilled with being there but she tolerated it. :)

After the egg hunt we went out for brunch with my mom then went to her house and played in the snow. John even created a super cool snowman (mohawk and all).

On Sunday morning we did a little egg hunt. Taylor had so much fun finding the eggs and putting them in her cute pink basket. She got a new pink tricycle, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, lots of stickers, and some candy. Spoiled little girl! Sadie even got a basket and a few eggs (filled with treats).

We went to church later that morning then went to my parents house and had a huge dinner with my family. It was such a great weekend!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Fun weekend at the Lodge in Deadwood

We were able to spend a weekend in Deadwood at the Lodge in early April. John's sister Tracy was putting on a coaching clinic so us along with some other family took the opportunity to spend a fun weekend together. We had a great time and Taylor even stayed with my mom for one night so John and I got to have some baby free fun!

Taylor and Papa Stan

Taylor and Aunt Jenny having fun with the luggage cart!

The Lodge has a great waterpark! T- had so much fun! She is such a little water bug!