Friday, June 1, 2012

Devyn - 6 weeks old


Easter morning we all got up to see what the Easter bunny left us. The girls got spoiled and even John and I got baskets. John's had a 6-pack of his favorite beer in his and I got two pairs of my favorite sandals. What a good Easter bunny! Taylor had fun looking for eggs but wanted to stop and open each egg and eat each candy before moving on to the next egg so we had to come up with a new strategy so that it didn't take hours :) Once we got that figured out, we had some yummy breakfast then went to church.

After church we met my parents at the park and had my dad snap a couple family pics with my new camera. Love.

Then, we came home and let T- take a nap and she woke to a pretty fun Easter gift from us. A Princess Jeep!!!!!

She got right in and took off. She was a little hesitant at first but once she figured out how to do it she was off. Just need to work with her a little more on steering. John had to save her from going into the ditch in our backyard. :) John and my dad hid some eggs in the yard and let her find them while learning how to drive. She loved it!
Sadie was not a fan of it and was worried about her Taylor. She followed her around and howled. Such a worrier she is. So sweet that she takes such good care of my girls.


Easter Egg Hunt and Dying Eggs

The day before Easter, we took Taylor to the citywide Easter egg hunt. It's pure chaos and it's over in about 30 seconds but it's still fun to get out and watch all the kiddos. It's become a yearly tradition for us since we moved back to South Dakota and I love the memories that it's creating. We invite my parents to come watch and then we all go out for breakfast. After that my parents came over to our house to dye eggs and have dinner (and of course love on the baby). Fun day!

Sadie wanted to snuggle with the baby too :)

Our super cool monster eggs
Papa Rick hanging out with Devyn

March randoms

Grandma snuggling with Devyn

Taylor and Grandma "Gina"

3 weeks old

First trip to the park of the year

Devyn's first time at the park

Taylor and her best buddy Evan being crazy as usual :) I love that these two are such good friends.

Never a dull moment at our house :)
