Friday, April 13, 2012

Playdate #2

We had another playdate! My friend Angie is on maternity leave too so she came over and brought me coffee (I could get used to this). We had a great time just relaxing and talking and playing with the babies. Devyn and Jordyn are 19 days apart. It's going to be a lot of fun watching them grow up together. Especially since Taylor is best friends with their son, Evan. Fun!

Sweet baby girls. Devyn and Jordyn


Seems like everyone is always trying to figure out which parent a baby looks like. With Taylor everyone always said how much she looked like her daddy and she did. She looked just like a mini John. She's just now finally starting to look a little more like me. Devyn came out with dark hair so that was a plus on my side but she looked just like Taylor did when she was a baby. However, when she's awake she looks a lot like her mommy. You decide...

Left: Taylor   •   Right: Devyn
Left: Taylor   •    Right: Devyn
Left: Devyn   •   Right: Brittnie

Swimming Lessons

Taylor started swimming lessons in March. She was SO excited! She has absolutely no fear of the water which is a little scary sometimes but it definitely helps when it comes to lessons. Two parents had to deal with screaming kids. I don't think I would deal with that very well. Taylor is the complete opposite. She had to be rescued and even that didn't scare here. They have a bench in the pool so that the kids can stand on it and she was messing around and slipped off. The instructor was dealing with the screaming kids so he didn't catch her right away. John and I were both ready to jump in but he got to her before we had to (thank goodness...that wouldn't be a pretty sight). It didn't even phase her. She got back on the bench and finished her lesson like nothing happened. Crazy kid! She did a great job and is going to be swimming on her own before we know it. She's growing up so fast!

Taylor is on the far right

Taylor and Max (her instructor)