Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Perfect Baby, Showers and Reunions

Wow...I'm now 8 months pregnant!! Less than 8 weeks to go. Yikes!

I had my 32 week dr. appt today and everything is perfect. I'm measuring right on, my blood pressure is good, I don't have any swelling and Taylor's heartbeat is great. YAY BABY!!
I have gained 11 pounds so far and am still feeling great (for the most part). I do think I hit the third trimester tiredness last week. I feel like I did in the first trimester where I hit a wall and just plain can't function anymore. Needless to say I've had a few naps in the past few days, a couple of them with my lunch still in my lap :)
32 Weeks

I had my baby shower on June 28th and it was amazing. My cousin's wife Courtney and my good friend Shannon did a fantastic job hosting it and I'm so lucky to have them in my life. It was held at my house and we had a great turnout with many great friends and family.
The food was great and the decorations were adorable!

We played a few fun games. In the first one everyone had to guess how big my belly was and then tear off that length of tissue paper. I then had to go around and see who was the closest. My friend Lori won! Too funny!

5 brave volunteers were picked for the second one. They had to drink as much apple juice out of a baby bottle as they could in a certain amount of time. Go aunt Denise!!
(Amanda, Becky, Judy, Jenni, Brittni and Denise)

The third one was Baby Shower Bingo. Everyone filled out the cards with things that they thought might be in the packages. Kate was the pro at BINGO! Great ideas girls!

I was blessed with so many gifts and fun things for Taylor. Now I can't wait for her to get here so she can use everything! THANKS EVERYONE!!!!

I had my 10-year high school reunion the weekend before my shower. It was so much fun and so great to see everyone. I almost wish we could do it every year! I was horrible at taking pics but here's a couple that I took. If anyone else has some, send them my way! :)
(Jess, Amber, Me, Megan and Mikayla)...must have forgot to turn on the red-eye reducer. Sorry girls :)