Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So...John turned the BIG 3-0 last week. Yikes...he's getting old! He had to work on his birthday but Taylor and I met him for lunch and we had a nice family dinner that night. We threw a party/bbq at our house for him on Saturday. We had 36 wonderful friends and family that came. We played some lawn games, ate lots of food and enjoyed everyone's company. Thanks to all of you who made it. You're the best! Of course I forgot to take pics of the party but took a couple that night after most everyone had left.

Great friends and family...
Noah and John on the trampoline...

10 Months

I can't believe my baby is 10 Months old! She's at such a fun age right now. We're loving every minute of it. She's such a good mommy's helper and follows me around everywhere. Usually taking the laundry out of the dryer that I just put in or taking the dishes out of the dishwasher or unfolding the clothes that I just folded. What a good helper!
She's just about ready to walk. She's still walking all over the house with the help of her little push toy and she'll stand on her own until she realizes that no one is holding onto her. It won't be long now...Yikes! She's such a sweet girl. She loves to give kisses and high fives, clap her hands and do "SO BIG!". She'll entertain anybody who is willing to watch her. She's quite the clown.

I think she's flashing gang signs here....West Side!


4th of July

We had a pretty low-key 4th this year. We spent the day shopping and working on our house then that night we watched fireworks in Longmont with some great friends.

T- decked out in her red, white & blue...

