Tuesday, June 23, 2009

CATCHING UP...finally!!!

Okay...so I haven't posted anything since March so I had lots to catch up on. We've been so busy with painting and moving and everything else going on that this got put on the back burner but I'm all caught up now and I'll be better from here on out (promise!). Hope you have some time to look at all that you've missed the past 3 months. I just put 15 new posts on here so when you get to the bottom of the page click on "Older Posts" (bottom right) to see the rest of them. I think you have to do it twice to get through them all.
Enjoy!!!....and LEAVE COMMENTS!!! :)


Taylor got a new turtle pool and we got to try it out yesterday. She had a blast! SO FUN!!!


Check out the new pearly whites...

9 Months

Taylor is 9 Months Old!! It's crazy how fast it goes. She's developed quite the personality and keeps us laughing daily. She's a very busy girl and has lots of energy. She's crawling all over the place and is into EVERYTHING! She pulls herself up on anything she can and walks around as long as she's holding onto something. She's very close to walking on her own. Yikes...I don't know if I'm ready for that. She's such a sweet girl and is very easy going. She learned how to give kisses last week so we've been getting lots of wet, sloppy ones the past few days. :) She still likes to eat anything she can get her hands on (except mashed potatoes) and gets very upset if you don't share what you are eating.
Her 9 Month check-up went great. She now weighs 19 lbs (50th percentile) and she's 27.5" tall (also 50th percentile). She's just perfect!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bouncin' Bug!

This is what I now find when I go get Taylor from her nap. She's a busy girl!


June 6
Okay...so Aunt Jenni couldn't resist and bought this dress for Taylor. It's super cute! Not sure when she'll ever get any use out of it but it sure looks beautiful hanging in her closet! Love you Aunt Jenni!


Here's some pics of Taylor and her buddy/cousin Xander. They are so cute together. X- takes such good care of her (when he's not stomping on her leg or pulling on her arms) by always bringing her toys and blankets, etc. Super cute!

I think he might be tattling on her :)

First Black Eye :(

Taylor has learned how to pull herself up on everything and bumps and bruises are inevitable. Here's her first black eye. Didn't even phase her. She cried for about 15 seconds then went back to her normal self. :)

South Dakota

Over Memorial Day weekend we took a few days and "toured" the state of South Dakota. We originally planned to just go for my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary but plans changed and we ended up taking a week and being able to make it work to see all of our family. It was a lot of driving and super tiring but more than worth it to see everyone. We had such a great time.

We started out our trip by driving to Spearfish to my parents house on Wed night. We spent Thursday with my parents and John's grandparents.

We spent Friday with John's siblings (Wendy, Todd & Tracy). It was so great to see them!

Saturday we got up early and headed to Pierre to see John's parents. We stopped in Rapid City to have breakfast with my friend Jess and her adorable kiddos. We spent the night with John's parents and had a great time catching up with them.

We got up on Sunday morning and headed to Chamberlain for my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary party. We spent the night with them and originally planned on staying there until Tuesday but plans changed when one of our friends' dad died so we headed back to Spearfish on Monday for the memorial service and for the funeral on Tuesday. We didn't leave Spearfish until 7:00pm which made for a late night of driving, lucky for us Taylor slept the entire way which was nice but we were definitely tired. It was great to be home and it took a few days for us to recover from our vacation but so worth it being able to see so many people in so few days.

Taylor loves her grandpa
Taylor's first sucker

Check out the drool

The first sucker she tried was a little sour :)

Good stuff...

Sadie and Taylor looking out the window at G&G's

She's on the move...

Sleepy girl

Taylor and Aunt Tracy

Taylor and Aunt Wendy

Taylor and Spencer

No slackin' Spence...this chick's hungry

John and our nephew Spencer

Shannon and Taylor

Bath time at Grandma Patty and Papa Stan's house

This chair is just my size

Taylor and GG.

Taylor and Great-Grandpa Reuer

Driving home
(Disclaimer...she's not really driving...don't turn us in to child services. We were parked at a rest stop.)