Friday, January 9, 2009


We had a playdate at my friend Toni's house yesterday! How cute are these kiddos?

Kieran (sp?), Mimi, Tristan, Taylor, Gavin & Xander

Our friends Mackenzie & Mimi

4 Months!!

Taylor is 4 Months Old!!!! We had our pediatrician appointment on Tuesday and we have a healthy growing baby! She had to get her 4 month shots but did amazing! She cried for a couple of seconds but that was it. I had a second nurse come in to hold her so I didn't have to see the needles (a little phobia of mine!) so I did good too. No passing out!
Taylor is now 11 pounds (skinny little baby). She's only in the 10th percentile for weight but there's no concerns. Just her body type. She's in the 50th percentile for height at 24-1/4 inches. She's going to be a tall, skinny girl! She's such a sweetheart. She loves to smile, laugh, cuddle, jump, play on the floor, sit in her exersaucer, etc. I don't know how we got so lucky!

Some other fun pictures...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas In South Dakota

Hope you all had a great Christmas and that the New Year has started out with a bang! We enjoyed our Christmas with our new little family. We did lots of traveling to see family and friends in South Dakota but Taylor was a little trooper so it made life much easier. We started out with a 9 hour road trip to my grandparents house in Chamberlain. Taylor only got fussy a couple of times but never cried. We stopped twice to feed her and then continued on our way. We couldn't have asked for a better trip (unless we could change the scenery...Nebraska ain't very purty!) We spent a couple of days with my grandparents and family then continued on our way to Pierre to see John's family. We had a great time with everyone there. Lots of eating, playing games, golfing, 4-wheeling adventures (poor Toddy Vik!), etc. Good Times! After a couple of days there we finished our trip at my parents house in Spearfish. We were hoping for a couple of relaxing days while we were there but we thought wrong. It felt like we were running constantly to go see friends and family and we still didn't get to see everyone. Taylor got to meet John's grandparents and lots of new friends while we were there. By the end we were all exhausted. The little bug was a trooper through it all. We had a great time seeing everyone but we were very happy to be home and back on a semi-schedule. :)
I wasn't very good at taking pictures on this trip but here's a few....

Sadie & Sara under the Christmas Tree

Taylor with Great-Grandma Reuer
Grandma's lap is a popular place!

4 Generations

Taylor with Grandpa & Grandma Great
Grandma Patty & Taylor with cousins Madison, Kelsey, Ali, & Abby
Grandma Patty, Ali & Taylor
Aunt Tracy, cousin Aiden & Taylor
Aunt Tracy & Taylor
Cousin Abby & Taylor

Taylor with Aunt Jenny
Taylor with Cousin Ali

Great Grandpa & Grandma Ainsworth