Saturday, May 7, 2011

Kid's Fair

In mid April we took Taylor to the Kid's Fair in Rapid City. They had tons of booths set up with fun thing for the kids to do, tons of bouncy castles, train rides, funnel cakes, etc. Taylor was a little shy at first (as usual) and we had to walk around the entire place before she wanted to do anything and then look out. She was ready to do EVERYTHING! She's such a funny girl. She definitely has to feel everything out first but as soon as she feels comfortable she's out of control. She wanted her face painted and we practically had to drag her away from all the fun bouncy castles. She was cutting in line and everything. Crazy kid!

Getting her face painted


Coming out of the bouncy castle only to slip by the guy who was helping the kids in and go right back in without waiting her turn in line. All we could do was laugh.

Going down the slide

Riding the train

Waiting in line for another bouncy castle

After the kid's fair we met John's sister Jenny for dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings and then went and picked up our nephew Chase and had dessert at Dairy Queen.

Taylor and Chase playing video games. Not sure why she knows how to hold a gun but she sure does. :)

Long day (that's leftover face paint on her cheek, not a bruise) ha

Chuck E. Cheese

Taylor has been amazing with potty training! We never really pushed her. We just kind of let her lead the task. She had a few accidents here and there but she really got it figured out fast. We told her that when she went a whole week with no accidents that we would take her to Chuck E. Cheese. So, here we are. The kid was nuts and moving so fast I didn't really have a chance to get many pics. ;)

New fun cup

She was all over the place but she really had fun playing this frog game.

Blue Tongue

Taylor playing with my phone and showing off her pretty blue tongue. Silly girl.

St. Patty's Day

This year for St. Patrick's Day we got a babysitter and met a bunch of friends in Deadwood. We had a great time.

John and I on our way to Deadwood. Ready to enjoy some green beers.

Angie and I

Blanket Fort

Taylor's first blanket fort. Daddy even designed it so she could watch tv when she was in there. :)

Dinner Conversation

This kid definitely keeps us entertained. She has quite the imagination and is always telling us some sort of a story. Here I just had my camera sitting on the table and recorded a normal dinner conversation. Disclaimer...we were talking before I started recording and she blamed Grandma for knocking over her cup so that's why we blamed her first :)


In March we went to the BHSU basketball game and then out to eat at Sandford's with the Duncan's. Taylor and Evan are good buddies and have so much fun together (and cause some trouble too). She's definitely a fan of "Evan Scott". They got to sit next to each other at dinner and we caught them sharing french fries Lady and the Tramp style. Pretty cute kiddos.

After dinner the kids were running around while we were waiting for our ticket. Scott caught Evan stealing a tip off one of the tables and using it to get a gumball. Little stinker!

(these picture are from Angie's cell phone. Thanks for sharing Ang!)


Hiding in the closet

Playing with her iPod

Interesting outfit choice

Taylor and Grandma Patty having lunch at Applebees

Decorating Daddy

Running hallways at the Lodge. She was a crazy woman that day. We all got a workout that day chasing her through the entire hotel.


Daddy painting Taylor's fingernails

Showing Grandma and Papa how to use her iPod.

Sweet Sadie girl

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


In the middle of February I got to attend the Addy Awards with the advertising agency that I work for. The banquet was really fun. It was Mad Men inspired (1960's) so we all dressed up, had big hair and fake cigarettes. We even put a fog machine under our table to play up the smoking. It's really fun to do events like this with an agency after doing my own thing for so long.

Here are some pics from the night.

Amanda and I on our way to the awards

My co-worker Sarah really playing it up

Be My Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day! Taylor woke up to some fun gifts and Valentines in her mailbox from mommy and daddy and had pink oatmeal for breakfast. She thought that was pretty cool and wanted it everyday after that :)

Enjoying her pink oatmeal.

New Dance Moves (or something)

Dancing (or something) to the Dora song.

Now for some flappin'....

Trip to CO

In January we made a quick trip to CO for John's Grandpa's 89th Birthday! He's the most amazing man and you would never guess he's 89. We had so much fun with all of the family there and just being back in CO. I wasn't very good at taking pics and didn't get any of the bday party (go figure). We stayed with John's aunt and uncle-two of our favorite people (Weed and Denise) while we were there. They are always so nice to let us stay with them and take such good care of us. We love them to pieces and miss them like crazy so it was really nice to spend some extra time with them.

We didn't get to see very many friends on this trip but we did go see our friends, Kole and Shannon and their little girl, Payton. Taylor loved Payton and had fun playing with all of her toys :) Thanks for having us over guys! We miss you tons! xoxo

Taylor holding Payton. How cute is she?

Cool girl

Taylor & Xander hugging as we were leaving...

Taylor with Aunt Jenni

and Taylor with Nana.

We also got to go see John's sister and her family and new baby Logan before we left town. He was born just a few days before we got there and it was fun snuggling with a tiny baby again :) Taylor and cousin Riley had fun playing together! We really miss being close to you guys and wish the girls could play more often :(

Taylor and Riley

Papa Stan, Grandma Patty, baby Logan and Taylor


(I stole a couple of these pictures off of Becky's website.)