Wednesday, August 19, 2009


John had the day off last Tuesday and we spent it at the Cherry Creek Mall and the Zoo. Taylor had a great time and did really well even without a nap.

Sportin' her Barbie sunglasses

Taylor loved the tigers. They made her giggle when they showed their teeth.

T giving mommy kisses in front of the giraffes

Watching the fish swim by

Checkin' out the flamingos

Waiting in line for the carousel

11 Months Old

Can't believe my baby is almost a year old. It has gone SO fast! This last month has been crazy developmentally. She's growing and learning so quickly. She started walking while John was in Florida. Once she got her balance down she took to it very quickly. She loves to read books and play with her thousands of toys and scatter them ALL over the house. She is obsessed with mommy's food and thinks she needs a bite of everything. She's becoming very independent and wants to feed and do everything herself which leads to many messes but it's fun watching her learn. She said her first word (besides mama and dada) and of course it was "hungry". Nice! She still loves to blow kisses and make everyone laugh. She's quite the comedian! She mastered the stairs in a matter of hours. She didn't really want much to do with them and then all of a sudden she took off and didn't waste any time. She now thinks she needs to climb up everything! While I was watering the plants today I turned around and found her sitting on top of her picnic table. Yikes! She figured out the art of opening and closing doors and cabinets.'s been busy around here!!
Besides the craziness...this little girl has blessed our lives more than we could have ever imagined and we are loving every minute of it. She is such a sweetheart!


One of Taylor's new favorite things to do is read books. She will sit there by herself and just turn through all the pages and look and point at all the pictures and when she's done she'll throw that book over her shoulder and grab a new one. It's one of my favorite things to watch. It's such an amazing experience watching her grow and learn all these new things.

Check out that bed head!

Reading to Sadie =)

First Steps

John was gone for a week at the end of July for a business trip in Orlando. Taylor and I did really well. She slept in every day that John was gone (the day he got back she started waking up at 6:30 again). What a good girl to do that for her mommy! =) We got in plenty of girl time and did lots of shopping!! My mom came and stayed a few days with us while he was gone which was a big helper too.
The day that John was coming home Taylor got her balance down and took off with her first steps. She got the biggest smile on her face and did it over and over again. Too bad that John missed it by just a few hours but he got to see her in action when he got home.

Playing Outside

First Portrait

John and I took Taylor and hit the Boulder Art Festival in July. We were walking up Pearl Street and got stopped by an artist that looked at Taylor and said, "That face has to be drawn!".
We set her up in her stroller and he went to town. Once he had her drawn he made both John and I sit next to her so he could add us. He did a great job (although he gave me a bit of a Leno-chin). It was amazing to watch him work. After he was done we had a nice time walking up and down Pearl Street looking at all the art work and watching the street performers.

Taylor was worn out by the end of the day. She fell asleep with her toy on her head!


My friend Mackenzie and I spent a day out with the girls (Taylor & Mimi). When we turned around this is what we found. I had to pull over so that I could take a picture of our sweet little girls holding hands. SO cute! They are so adorable together.