Saturday, October 4, 2008

1 Month Old!

Our little baby is 1 Month Old already! Wow...Time flies! She's doing great and is such a wonderful baby! We're so blessed. She had a pediatrician appt yesterday and she had gained 7 ounces in 7 days. She's now 8lbs 5oz. Yay baby! She's doing great and doesn't have to go back for another month (for her 2 month appt.) Whew!

Baby's First Hike

John and I took Taylor for her first hike on Thursday. We went to Roxborough State Park which is south of Denver in Littleton. It's one of our favorite places. The fall colors were absolutely gorgeous and it was so great to be outside. We went on a 1.5 mile hike and Taylor did great! We saw a bunch of deer. Most of them were right off the trail and were not at all concerned with us. We saw the bucks in the last pic on our way out of the park. There were 8 of them all laying together but we saw about 20 total. We were a little nervous on our hike because we saw a ton of bear poop along the trail but thank goodness we never saw any. It's crazy how much your perspective changes when you have a baby. Last time we were there a couple of black bears had been spotted on the same trail that we had just been on and we were bummed that we missed them. This time we wanted nothing to do with them.

Gettin' ready for her first hike!

First Bath

Taylor had her first "real" bath earlier this week. As you can tell she wasn't real excited about it!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Busy Little Girl

All is well at the Ainsworth's! Taylor is doing great and changing every day. She's such an amazing baby. We're so blessed!! I can't believe that she is almost a month old already. It's crazy! Time is flying by.

At her 2 week checkup she wasn't gaining weight as fast as they would like so the dr. increased her feeding schedule to every 2 hours (it's a full time job!) and we went back to supplementing with formula at every feeding. After that she gained 3 oz in 3 days so we were very happy with that. That put her at 7lbs 14oz (almost back up to her birth weight). We're still following the same schedule and have another weight check on Friday so hopefully she has gained more weight so we can be done with that place for awhile. It's been a little overwhelming with all the dr. visits.

We've been very busy since Taylor arrived and seems like we're constantly running. We've had something going on almost every day. It's so nice to have such a good baby that we can take anywhere and not have to worry about it. Taylor had her first stroller outing last weekend. We met my cousin and his fam in Boulder for Oktoberfest. It was a beautiful day and perfect for walking around Pearl Street for the afternoon. Last Wednesday, Taylor got to meet all of the members of our small group (through church). She enjoyed being passed around and held by everyone. This past weekend our good friends Kole & Shannon had us over to their new house for brunch. Thanks! You guys are awesome and we love your new house! On Sunday we took Taylor to her first church service. It was really loud but she did great and slept through most of it. We spent the rest of Sunday at John's aunt and uncle's house as his cousin, Jodi was in town from Corvallis, OR. It was great to see her and it was her bday so we got to help her celebrate. We don't have too much planned for this week so hopefully we can spend a few nights at home relaxing. We haven't done a lot of that lately.

Here's some pics from the past week or so. Enjoy!!!

Sadie checking on Taylor

Chillin' With Daddy

Taylor with Opa (John's grandpa)

Prego Pics

Here's some pics that our good friend Corrie took about 3 weeks before Taylor arrived. Thanks girl!