Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What happened to my 6 pound baby???

So, we had our 38 week doctor appointment yesterday. We had an ultrasound scheduled because our doctor was a little worried last week because baby was measuring quite a bit small and because I haven't gained much weight. Well, apparently she's not small at all! The ultrasound tech was looking at and pointing out all the parts to us and measuring each one and said so very calmly that according to the measurements, our baby is weighing in at about 8 pounds (plus or minus a pound). What?? Are you kidding me?? 8 pounds?? John said he wishes he could have captured the look on my face. That's definitely not what I was expecting to hear :) Don't get me wrong. I'm so excited and so thankful that everything is fine and that our baby is growing perfectly, but 8 pounds? I still have 2 weeks before my due date! How big is she going to be if she doesn't come until then or even later? Yikes! Everything else looked perfect on the ultrasound. It's not as fun as the 20 week ultrasound because you can't see as much but we could see her little heart beating, her kidneys, stomach, spine, etc. It also verified that she's a girl! Thank goodness because our house is flooded in pink!!

After the ultrasound I had the appointment with my doctor. She came in with a smile on her face and said, "Well this is definitely not the conversation I was planning on having with you!" :) I guess I'm just measuring small because baby is SO low and because I have a little more room than most people (because I'm tall). My exam showed no change. Still 1 cm dilated and 100% effaced. I'm about ready to get this show on the road (especially since I found out how big she is).

(38 Weeks)

After our doctor appointment we had a meeting with a pediatrician office. We loved the office and got to meet 3 of the doctors. We really clicked with one of them and think she's the one we're going to try out. Check! Another thing off my list! Whew!

Over the weekend my friend/college roommate and her husband came to visit. It was SO great to see them and spend a little time together. We went to a Rockies game with them on Saturday night. We had a good time and had great seats (Thanks guys!). I was pretty uncomfortable but I made it through without going into labor. :)
(John, me, Jess, Molloy)