Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Such A Big Girl!

Our little Taylor Grace is getting so big. She is now 3 months old! So hard to believe!
She is at such a fun stage right now. She's interacting with us and smiling all the time. She's so strong. She loves to sit up and stand up as you'll see in the video (I've been meaning to post this video for a couple of weeks now). She'll do it almost completely on her own and takes me by surprise daily. I really have to watch her.

She has recently discovered the tv and is amazed by it. She'll sit there with her eyes completely glued to it. No matter how hard you try you can't peel her away from it. If she's on the floor facing away from the tv she'll turn upside down so that she can see it. It's pretty funny! What habits we are starting at such a young age. :)

A little tummy time!
Sitting up all by myself
Our little couch potato
Just some other fun pictures

Sadie thinks she needs a picture every once in awhile