Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the Ainsworth's!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Santa was not a hit!

We tried to get pictures with Santa again this year. It didn't go so well. She kept pointing at him when we were standing in line so we thought it might work but as soon as we went to set her on his lap she lost it. Popped real tears and everything!

We thought that maybe if mommy sat with her it might help. Nope...not so much...

Guess there's always next year! =)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving weekend

We had a couple of Thanksgivings this year and enjoyed every minute of it however my waistline still hates me.
My parents came to visit for Thanksgiving number one. We ate non-stop the entire time they were here and had a great time. We cooked a huge meal on Thanksgiving day and just relaxed. It was beautiful outside so we walked to the park and Taylor got to show her Grandpa and Grandma how she can go down the big slide all by herself. We came back and sat on the patio and had margaritas while Taylor napped and we waited for the turkey to get done. John had to work on Friday but we went and met him for lunch and then we headed to Boulder. We walked down Pearl Street, got Starbucks and enjoyed the sunshine. We stopped at the play area so Taylor could run off some steam. She had a great time playing with her Grandpa in the rocks.

Grandpa teaching her how to throw rocks...Nice!

My parents left on Saturday and that afternoon we had Thanksgiving #2 with some of John's family (Opa, Greg, Barbie, Toby, Cole, Jenni and the boys). We went to his Opa's house and stuffed ourselves with some of Aunt Barbie's famous cooking. We're so blessed to have such wonderful family!

Let it Snow!

Ready to go play in the snow...

She thought that snow stuff was pretty funny...especially when Sadie tried to catch snowballs. Poor thing couldn't move in her snowsuit :)

Small Group Kiddos

These are all the kiddos in our small group through our church. We started getting together before any of us had kids and now look at us! They're so cute! We don't get much accomplished when we get together now but we enjoy watching these sweet faces!

Taylor, Jaycob, Noah & Mia

Children's Museum

We decided to go try out the Lafayette Children's Museum a few weeks ago. We weren't really sure if Taylor was old enough to enjoy it but we were wrong. She had SO much fun! She loved the play grocery store and had to taste-test all the food (go figure!). She had fun playing with all the musical instruments and taking all the stuff out of the drawers in the craft area and even tried eating a few crayons. I promise we feed the kid! :)

On a safari...

Trying out the pullys

Fun with anything that makes noise...

They had a huge pirate ship with lots of fun little nooks to explore and she liked climbing all the way to the top and looking down at everyone.


A few fun pictures from the last month or so...

I love my new coat Grandma Patty

Having fun at the Flatirons playland

This is what my house looks like on a daily basis. Her day is not complete until every toy is out of the toy box at least 3 times a day! :)

Lil Diva and Aunt Jenni

Sneaking away for snacks...these two are going to be "TROUBLE" when they get a little older!

Eating orange jello on the floor
...SO fun!

Very cool orange jello kisses :)

Picnic at the park

Playing with Audrey and Ashley


Yay...Go Broncos...High Five!!!

Poor sweet Sadie...for some reason I don't think this is the last time she'll have to play "dress up"

Daddy's Little Girl

Snugglin' with Papa Weed at Xander's Bday Party

Playin' with the boys

Trying out Mommy's slippers