Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving weekend

We had a couple of Thanksgivings this year and enjoyed every minute of it however my waistline still hates me.
My parents came to visit for Thanksgiving number one. We ate non-stop the entire time they were here and had a great time. We cooked a huge meal on Thanksgiving day and just relaxed. It was beautiful outside so we walked to the park and Taylor got to show her Grandpa and Grandma how she can go down the big slide all by herself. We came back and sat on the patio and had margaritas while Taylor napped and we waited for the turkey to get done. John had to work on Friday but we went and met him for lunch and then we headed to Boulder. We walked down Pearl Street, got Starbucks and enjoyed the sunshine. We stopped at the play area so Taylor could run off some steam. She had a great time playing with her Grandpa in the rocks.

Grandpa teaching her how to throw rocks...Nice!

My parents left on Saturday and that afternoon we had Thanksgiving #2 with some of John's family (Opa, Greg, Barbie, Toby, Cole, Jenni and the boys). We went to his Opa's house and stuffed ourselves with some of Aunt Barbie's famous cooking. We're so blessed to have such wonderful family!