Saturday, February 21, 2009

Good stuff...

Taylor is at such a fun age right now. It's so amazing just watching her learn and take everything in. She's growing up SO fast! She is sitting up on her own now. Still a little wobbly and falls over frequently but she's getting closer. She loves to sit on the floor and play with her toys. She's such a happy baby. She loves to blow bubbles and giggle and play peek-a-boo. She's reaching for EVERYTHING...including glasses (she got her own sippy cup this week), remote controls, cell phones and everything else that she shouldn't touch and drool all over. :) She loves her puppies and likes to pet Sadie and tug on her ears.

I definitely think she is going to be an early walker and maybe even walk before she crawls. She will walk across the room if you hold her hands and will stand up on her own if she can hold onto something.

Last week she had her first taste of solid food (if you can call rice cereal solid food). At first she didn't know what to think or really what to do but she got the hang of it quick and now we can't give her enough of the stuff. She loves it!

Such a big girl sitting up all by herself...
Hey homies!

Taylor with her cousins Chase and Riley in her new Johnny Jump-Up!