Wednesday, August 19, 2009

11 Months Old

Can't believe my baby is almost a year old. It has gone SO fast! This last month has been crazy developmentally. She's growing and learning so quickly. She started walking while John was in Florida. Once she got her balance down she took to it very quickly. She loves to read books and play with her thousands of toys and scatter them ALL over the house. She is obsessed with mommy's food and thinks she needs a bite of everything. She's becoming very independent and wants to feed and do everything herself which leads to many messes but it's fun watching her learn. She said her first word (besides mama and dada) and of course it was "hungry". Nice! She still loves to blow kisses and make everyone laugh. She's quite the comedian! She mastered the stairs in a matter of hours. She didn't really want much to do with them and then all of a sudden she took off and didn't waste any time. She now thinks she needs to climb up everything! While I was watering the plants today I turned around and found her sitting on top of her picnic table. Yikes! She figured out the art of opening and closing doors and cabinets.'s been busy around here!!
Besides the craziness...this little girl has blessed our lives more than we could have ever imagined and we are loving every minute of it. She is such a sweetheart!