Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Tricks

It seems like T is learning something new everyday. This chick has no fear! She just jumps in without any hesitation. We may be in trouble! =)

She's starting to talk a little more. She "kinda" says mama, dada, hi, hot, bird & book (which sound the same). She's such a sweet girl and loves to snuggle and rock her babies and stuffed animals. She holds them and pats them and gives them kisses. Then she likes to shove them in her bucket! =)
She's definitely considered a toddler now! She's all over the place. She also figured out how to climb the stairs a couple of weeks ago. She didn't really show much interest in them until one day she just took off with no hesitation. It was like she knew how to do it all along. The video below was the day after she figured it out. Nothing slow about her!
She has a new found interest of opening and closing all doors, cupboards, and anything else she can get her hands on.
A few weeks ago she figured out how to climb up her slide and she likes to go down head first.
She's becoming more and more independent and likes to feed herself now as you can see in the pic below. What a kid! What did we do before we had her??? She definitely keeps us on our toes. Love it!

Snugglin' with her babies

Climbing the stairs

Funny noises...

Climbing the slide

Down the slide...

Messy kid