Friday, September 11, 2009

Birthday Bash!

We had a great party for Taylor's 1st Birthday! We have such great friends and family and were so blessed to have so many of them here to celebrate Taylor's first year of life. Thank you everyone!!!!! I got a little carried away with the decorations and our house was completely flooded in pink but it all turned out great and I wouldn't change a thing! Taylor was a trooper and was great the entire day. She loved her pink cake and didn't hesitate for a second to dive in. She was a messy girl! Enjoy the pictures!

Opa & the Birthday Girl

Daddy, Opa, Taylor & Grandma Patty

Papa Stan & Grandma Patty

Beautiful Girls (Courtney & Ashley)
Audrey in the bouncy castle

Papa Weed, Gruncle Greg & Opa
Matt, Audrey & Ashley
Playin' some Wang!

Xander man

loves her new baby

Lots of helpers

Taylor and Mimi in the bouncy castle

Sportin' her new backpack from Grantie Barbie...