Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas Travels

We had a great Christmas! We put 1800 miles on our new jeep which equals ALOT of time in the car but it was so great to see everyone and in anticipation of all that car time we bought Taylor a DVD player which was a life saver. She did SO good! I don't know what we did to deserve such a great kid. She amazes me everyday!

We started off our trip by heading to my parents house in Spearfish. The day before we were supposed to leave we heard about a huge snow storm that was supposed to hit so John got out of work a few hours early that day and I scrambled to get all the laundry done and we hopped in the car and took off. We drove through some horrible fog but we got there safe and before the snow hit the next day! They ended up getting over 3 feet while we were there so we were definitely snowed in but we enjoyed every minute of it sitting by the fire, eating, drinking wine, playing games, opening presents, and relaxing. Taylor had so much fun opening her presents and seeing what Santa brought her. She is one spoiled girl. Santa must have a soft spot for our sweet girl too! :)

Helping Grampa open his present

Trying out her new hair clip
Sadie helping Taylor open her presents. This dog is a maniac when it comes to presents. I'm not kidding...She was beside her self the entire time before we opened them. She just can't handle it. She kept peeking in the bags and we were constantly telling her to get out from under the tree. We finally let her open one early just so she would leave us alone. She's worse than a kid! She has quite the personality!!!

FINALLY getting to open her present

Funny hat

All the snow at my parent's house

Their front yard

John all geared up to go tackle the snow blowing! Lookin' good babe!

We finally got out plowed out and were able to take off to our next destination only a day later than planned. We spent 3 days with John's parents in Pierre and were able to see his brother Todd, sister Tracy and their families. It was SO great to see all of them and Taylor had a great time playing with her cousins.

John & Taylor in Pierre

Reading with aunt Tracy

Riding in cousin Aiden's new dump truck!

Aiden, Taylor and Abby snuggling under their blankets that Grandma Patty made them.

Playing with aunt Tracy

Cousin Ali and Taylor


Next stop...Chamberlain to spend the day with my Grandparents. It's always great to see them and my grandma is the sweetest thing! I love them! She made us a huge lunch and then we played and opened presents. I wish we could have stayed there longer but we wanted to get back to Spearfish to see some of our friends so we only stayed for the afternoon and then took off back to Spearfish. Whew...are you tired yet?

We spent New Year's Eve in Spearfish then headed back to Colorado. What a trip!