Thursday, June 10, 2010

Catching Up (again)!!!!

I'm going to try my hardest and get caught up with this thing. I feel like I'm always behind and trying to catch up. This time I have a pretty good reason for being such a slacker! We're now residents of South Dakota! We moved in the middle of March and are absolutely LOVING it! We miss all of our fabulous friends and family in Colorado but it just feels good to be here and we have no doubt that this is where we're meant to be right now. Taylor is getting LOTS of quality G&G time and they spoil her rotten. We're still looking for a permanent place to live. We stayed with my parents for the first few weeks that we were here and then we found a really nice townhouse that we can rent until we find something more permanent. It's fully furnished so all of our stuff is in storage. We're excited for a place that we can settle into and stay for awhile. :) Hopefully we find something soon!

John and I were both super lucky in finding jobs here. We feel very blessed. I was able to get a part-time graphic design job that I love and I still get to spend some good quality time with my favorite little girl! It's the best of all worlds! John also likes his job. He has a regular schedule which is SO nice and we both work in Deadwood so we can "commute" together the 3 days that I work. It's great!

Taylor is getting so big. She's a busy busy little girl and is moving constantly. She's such a goofball and keeps us very entertained. She's talking like crazy and is really getting the hang of all this "big kid stuff". She has absolutely NO fear and wants to try everything! She's such a sweetheart and we love her more than anything!!

We're extremely excited to be back in the Black Hills and experience all of the great things that we didn't take advantage of when we lived here. Our weekends this summer are already full of fun day trips, etc. Needless to say, you'll have lots of fun pics to look at if I can keep up with this. :)

Love you all,
The Ainsworths