Thursday, September 23, 2010

Somebody's Two!!!!

My sweet baby girl is now 2! I can't believe it! Time goes SO fast! She started saying that she was "almo two" a few weeks before her birthday and now loves to tell everyone that she is "two!" The girl definitely knows how to celebrate! My parents were going to be out of town for her party so they had us over a few days before and spoiled her rotten. John's parents came into town on Saturday and gave her a few of her gifts early. We had a party for her on Sunday. We went to Rapid City on Monday to John's sister's house and had cupcakes and sang happy birthday to her and she got to bring cupcakes and leftover treats from her party to daycare on Tuesday! Whew!

We had her birthday party at theHoliday Inn in Spearfish this year. I absolutely LOVE throwing parties so was pretty bummed that we couldn't have a party at our house this year but we started talking to the Holiday Inn and it turned out absolutely perfect and I didn't have to clean my house. :) It was really nice to have the room for the kiddos to run and swim and I could still do all of my food and decorations. I didn't do as much as I would have wanted to but I think it turned out pretty good. We had a great turnout. It was Labor Day weekend so a lot of people were out of town but we used it as an excuse to have a mini Ainsworth reunion. It was really nice to see everyone! We'll have to make it a yearly thing! Thanks everyone for helping our sweet girl celebrate her birthday! It was so fun! My pictures from the party turned out blurry. Not sure if it was a setting or the humidity from the pool. Bummer!

Gift Table

4 Generations - John's grandpa (Lyle), John's Dad (Stan), John and Taylor

Opening presents

John's sister Becky and our niece Riley was here from Colorado. She stayed in Rapid City with John's sister Jen so on Monday we went over there for dinner and cupcakes (since we forgot to give Taylor a cupcake and sing happy birthday to her at her our defense she was running around like a mad woman the entire time!) :)

Cupcakes at Aunt Jenny's house

cousin Riley

Cousin Chase


All of her loot! One spoiled little girl!

Sadie likes Taylor's new Dora couch too! Cute!