Sunday, December 19, 2010


My mom picked Taylor up from daycare a couple of weeks ago and ever since she's been saying, "My Grandma pick on me". She's going to start rumors that way :)

John and I finally had a chance to go get our drivers licenses changed. I had the day off and John took the afternoon off and we were going to drop Taylor off at daycare so that we could just get it done and she wouldn't be bored sitting there waiting. Well it ended up that our daycare was closed that day so we took her with us. She was really good and entertained all of the grumpy people sitting there waiting. She played peek-a-boo with a sweet little baby and another guy let her hold his newborn baby. We were there for an hour and a half. Yikes! Anyway we were just about finished up and John was sitting there getting his picture taken. Taylor walked up to him and said, "You big boy daddy?" It was so stinkin' cute and the whole place started laughing. I love what comes out of her mouth and how her mind works. So, we left with new drivers licenses and a bunch of new friends :)

This morning Taylor was coming down the stairs and slipped on the last one and landed on her butt. I asked her if she was okay and she said, "My tail hurts. You kiss my tail daddy." hehe

We've been talking a lot about Baby Jesus with Christmas coming up and today she started calling Him "Baby Jeez".
"Mommy, it's Baby Jeez' birday?" (birthday)