Tuesday, June 14, 2011


We had a great Easter! We started off the weekend with an Easter egg hunt in the park. Pure chaos. All the kids line up and wait til they get the green light and the eggs are completely gone in 30 seconds. It's nuts! Taylor had fun and was able to snag a couple eggs. Mommy taught her to use her elbows (just kidding). Grandma and Papa were able to join us and we went out for breakfast after.

Later that day we dyed some Easter eggs and made some rice krispie egg treats.

That night before bed we planted some jelly beans in a pot and left some carrots for the Easter bunny.

That night was also the first night for her BIG GIRL BED!!! She slept great and was so excited but before she went to sleep she was a little scared and said, "Mommy, I don't want the Easter Bunny come to my house." She doesn't like anything dressed up (Santa, Sting the mascot at BHSU, Easter Bunny, etc). She never wants to sit on their laps or give them high fives. That day she had the opportunity to take a pic with the Easter Bunny and wanted nothing to do with it. :) So, needless to say she was figuring out that he was coming to visit and didn't exactly like that idea.

(first night in her big girl bed and reading books)

See what the Easter Bunny brought...

And look what our jelly beans sprouted....

(checking out her Easter basket)

Sadie checking out her basket. She's so crazy when it comes to holidays :)

New swimsuit