Thursday, March 29, 2012

1 Week Old!

Devyn is already one week old. Time is flying. She is such a good baby. She hardly cries (even when she's hungry) and she's just a laid back little girl. We're so lucky! I was a little scared since Taylor was such a good baby that this time around we wouldn't be so lucky but somebody must really love us :) She's sleeping great, waking up every 3-4 hours and eating good too. Taylor is loving her new little sister and is so good with her. She has been a huge helper and has adjusted really well. She loves to hold her and talk to her. She's a pretty amazing kiddo!
We went in for her 1 week Dr. appt and everything checked out perfect again. She was still at 6lbs 11oz which Dr. Folstad said was perfectly normal as they usually drop to their lowest weight at 7-9 days. She was very happy with everything and even commented on what a sweet baby she is and how tolerant she was. She said most babies cry when she's poking and prodding them. Taylor was the same way. We just have tough girls :)

Sweet Baby! 1 week old
Early morning snuggles

Teaching Devyn how to play games on her iPod