Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Healthy Baby!

We got to hear the baby's heartbeat today!! The heart rate was 160 and we could hear the baby moving all over the place. It was amazing.! I am currently 12 weeks and almost done with with the first trimester. I'm FINALLY starting to feel much better. Not as much nausea and not quite as tired. I feel like I can actually function like a human being again.

Here's a pic of my belly at 12 weeks. It's coming along!

A friend of ours recently told us about the Chinese Gender Chart. We thought it would be fun to try it out and according to the chart we're having a girl!
(The horizontal rows represent the month of conception and the vertical rows represent the mother's age, by lining up the two rows you will get the result of the prediction for the baby. Pink is a girl and blue is a boy.)

Another wives tale I recently heard is if your baby's heart rate is over 140 it's a girl and if it's under 140 it's a boy. Our baby's heart rate today was 160 so this also says we're having a girl.
We'll see in about 8 weeks. We can't wait! You can vote for what you think baby Ainsworth will be on the margin of this page.


Jernigan Family said...

There is nothing like hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time! What a blessing! Our little one's heartbeat has been typically been 155 and it is a girl so maybe there is something to be said about the heartrate...also the Chinese Calendar says it is a girl too!
Congrats! Analisa

Anonymous said...

The first time you finally know your baby is healthy and growing is a huge relief. Each time you go in to see how it's coming it just gets more amazing. Have fun, always smile, and write it all down as your memory will get worse as you go along. This was the hardest for me. I had to write it all down so I could remember what to write in the baby book. Whatever you feel you are having is your best bet-I knew we were having a girl from the very beginning. Have fun!

A. Vogt

Sand Castle said...

Hello there! Looking good Brittnie Jo, we're so excited for you guys. That Chinese gender predictor is interesting, it got Jeff right and all my brothers and sisters too. I guess I should have looked at that, I kind of thought Jeff was a girl until about 3 days before I had him. Anyway, I guess you will know before then though, I am so excited to find out!! Hope all is well, talk to you soon. Oh, thanks so so much for the b-day wishes by the way, it wasn't too eventful, but it was good. :)

Anonymous said...

The chinese calendar was right with Alexys and Kysin...but Kysin's heartbeat was always 150-170!! I was 17 when I got pregnant with Brooklyn so I cant tell with the calendar and her heartbeat was always 130-140.

Congrats again on the baby!! I cant wait!!

Anonymous said...

So I decided to check out this blog thing & I saw the picture of our sweet little Brittnie standing in front of the white door in her cute little shirt & then I scrolled down & Holly ----! There was more than I was expecting to see! You sure are purdy tho, belly & all. Can't wait to hold little Taylor Weed! Prayin for smooth delivery & Daddy John not passin out! Love you all! (bet you never thought you'd see me doin this)