Tuesday, April 22, 2008


We had our ultrasound today and found out that we are having a beautiful baby girl! Our ultrasound tech was great and explained everything. It was so amazing! Baby was moving all over the place. She was sucking, punching, waving and kicking doing somersaults and she even fell asleep for a little bit. So cute! We could see all the fingers, toes, spine and the four chambers of the little heart beating. Everything looked perfect and is measuring right on.

The ultrasound tech thought she had John's nose! :)

Sweet little foot

These two are taken head-on with the baby facing the camera.

Belly pics at 20 weeks.


Jernigan Family said...

CONGRATS!! I have known five prego people this year and all but one have had girls! You look great! We are so excited for you!

Sand Castle said...

whoo hoo!!!!! A girl!! Oh, so exciting! I am so happy for you that all is well and your little girl looks perfect. tell John to prepare for lots of cute little girly things. I swear that in baby stores and baby sections of stores they have more stuff/clothes for girls. I think if Jeff was a girl his closet would be twice as full. :) I guess there's just something about dressing baby girls up. :) So wonderful to see your cute belly and read about how excited you are! Can't wait to see you in a couple months!

Anonymous said...

Yeah John & Brittnie!
I'm so excited for you....what fun a little girl will be to shop for and to decorate a room for. Congrats!!! Any names or is it a surprise???

:) Jenny Sand

Anonymous said...

Congrats! You look so darn cute! It is so fun having a girl-wait till you get to dress her up in all the adorable clothes and fix her hair. Maybe you'll have her on my Birthday or yours-who knows. Septermber babies are the best! We could have little girls that are friends, but a year apart.

Amber Vogt