Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Let's Catch Up...

Let's see...where to start...buckle up....this could be a long one...

I'm now 7 months pregnant!!!! Time is flying by and we're going to have a baby here before we know it. I'm still feeling great with the exception of the normal aches and pains that go along with it. No problems to this point. I had my 28 week appt today and had to do the dreaded glucose test which screens for gestational diabetes. It went fine and wasn't at all as bad as everybody made it sound. The heartbeat was perfect and right where it should be. I'm measuring a little small (2 cm) but the doctor wasn't at all worried about it and said that it's probably just because I'm so tall and can hide it easier. I start going every two weeks now so I'll keep you updated.

Belly Shot Catch-Up
So, I'm a little behind on the belly shots. It's definitely getting big. So far I haven't bought any maternity clothes except for a couple of shirts. I've been able to still wear a few pair of jeans and most of my longer shirts still fit. Our beagles apparently feel the need to be in the pictures too. :)

22 Weeks

24 Weeks

28 weeks

We have decided that our baby girl's name is going to be TAYLOR. We're not sure on a middle name yet but Taylor seems to be sticking and I'm sure it will stay that way unless she absolutely doesn't look like a "Taylor" when she is born. :) We would love to hear any ideas you might have on a middle name.

We've been extremely busy the past few weeks. Last weekend we started moving everything out of my office and into John's office so that Taylor has a nursery. It's a little crowded but I think it will work out great. I actually like it much better than my old office. Everything is still an absolute disaster but I'm sure it will all come together at some point. I'll post pics when we get the nursery done.

We got all registered at both Target and Babies 'R' Us a few weeks ago. That's such an exhausting process. There is so much stuff and so many options. We didn't even know where to start but we forged through it and made some good decisions (I think?!?). I'm always open for advice if any of you new moms out there have any :)

About a month ago, our neighborhood hosted a hot air balloon launch as a part of the Town Fair. There were approx. 60 balloons that all took off from the driving range. It was a perfect morning (even though it was 6am...that time is not usually so perfect for me). Here's a couple of pics... (Remember it was 6am. Not so pretty!

10-Year Reunion...
We're gearing up this week for our trip to South Dakota to see family and for my 10-year reunion (Yikes...we're getting old kids!). We're leaving Thursday afternoon and will be back next Wednesday. I absolutely can't wait to see everyone! We haven't seen most of our family since Christmas. Too long for only being 6 hours away. My grandparents from Chamberlain will also be there so it will be great to spend some time with them too. Yay...so fun!! I'll post lots of pics when we get back!

My cousin Matt's wife Courtney and my good friend Shannon are graciously throwing me a baby shower next weekend (28th). They are so kind and generous to do this. I can't wait! Thanks girls! You're the best!! Here's what the invitations look like. I'm also doing the nursery in this same sort of theme. I wish it was done already!

Take care everyone and I'll post more when we get back! Love ya!