Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Monday's the Big Day!!!

I had another Dr. Appt today and everything is still the same. Taylor must be pretty cozy in there. We decided to go ahead and schedule an induction for Monday. We tried to get it scheduled for tomorrow or Friday but they were all full so Monday it is unless she decides to come sooner which would be fabulous!! Monday is my actual due date and my Grandma's birthday! Hope she doesn't mind sharing :)
We're getting pretty anxious to meet our little girl. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a safe and FAST delivery on Monday.

This is how the beagles are passing the time until Taylor gets here. It's rough isn't it???


Anonymous said...

Good luck hun. Here's to a safe delivery and a healthy baby. I'll be thinking of you. Love, Jess

Anonymous said...

I wish you luck! Can't wait to meet baby ya, Tara

Jenny Sand said...

Thinking of you guys tonight! Can't wait for an update! :)