Saturday, September 13, 2008

Our Sweet Baby Girl

Finally getting this posted. Sorry for the delay. It's been CRAZY around here. We haven't really had any time to relax since we've been home. We've been going non stop but it's been great seeing everyone and we're enjoying every minute with our new baby girl. Thank you all for the visits, meals, gifts, phone calls, emails, etc. We feel so blessed to have such great friends and family. We have received so many wonderful gifts. She's going to be one stylin' girl. She even received her first pair of golf shoes (pink of course) from her uncle Todd. Get those tee times set up! :)

Taylor Grace Ainsworth

Our sweet baby girl, Taylor Grace has arrived. She was born last Saturday, September 6th at 4:13am. She was 7lbs 15 oz and 20 inches long and absolutely perfect!!!
The labor and delivery went very smooth and was pretty easy. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. I was in labor for about 11 hours and slept through most of it. They actually had to wake me up to push. Can't beat that! I'll write more about the labor and delivery later.

Happy Family
First Bath
John, Taylor, Xander & Jenni
Daddy admiring his new baby girl

Taylor was born with a mild case of jaundice and had to be put under the lights right away. We had to stay in the hospital a couple of extra days because of this but we were able to come home on Tuesday, the 9th. We still had to continue the light therapy at home but it wasn't as bad as in the hospital.We just had to keep her on a photo therapy pad as much as possible. We could only take her off for feedings. It's just a small pad that you lay her on and then can swaddle her up so she's comfortable. She was our little glow baby for a few days. In the hospital she had to lay under the lights in just her diaper (and her stylin' sunglasses) and couldn't be swaddled or held. It was really hard but she was a trooper. She hardly cried or fussed at all. The worst part of this jaundice business is getting her blood drawn all the time. Poor baby! We had another blood test yesterday and her levels went down enough to keep her off the photo therapy and hopefully no more lab work. We're SO excited to be done with all that!!!

Going home from the hospital
First car ride
The beagles were extremely excited to meet Taylor when she got home. They have been so amazing with her. Sara has kept her distance but goes up to smell her once in a while. Sadie on the other hand has been a little mama. She checks on her constantly to make sure she is okay. She will stand on her hind legs and look into the bassinet. It's so cute! I'll try to get a pic of it.

Meeting the beagles

Taylor has been such a great baby and we feel truly blessed to have her in our lives. She's a very calm baby and sleeps and feeds well. She does have a bit of a temper if she doesn't get what she wants right away. :) Feeding/diapering is definitely a full time job and I'm not sure how moms get anything done but I'm sure we'll get it figured out. We've been very busy since we got home. My parents were here for 5 days and John's parents were here over the weekend to meet the new grandbaby. My birthday was the day after we came home and was very uneventful. It certainly didn't feel like a birthday but Taylor was the best gift I could have asked for. We had an appt with the pediatrician and had to go for blood work at the lab that day. My cousin and his wife and daughter graciously brought us dinner that night and a yummy bday cake. Thanks guys! You're the best! The leftover cake came in very handy for those 3am feedings. :)

Taylor & Grandma
Taylor & Grandpa
Sara thinks she's the baby :)
Matt, Courtney, Audrey & Taylor
Meeting Grandma Patty & Papa Stan
Snugglin' with Papa Weed
Kole & Shannon

She's had a very busy first week meeting people and running around and now we're hoping to relax a little and enjoy every minute with our little girl. John had to go back to work on Tuesday and us girls are adjusting okay. It's definitely harder doing everything by yourself (especially when you throw in going to dr. appts and blood draws). It's amazing how fast time goes and how little you can get done during the day. That's going to take awhile to adjust to. The pediatrician told us on Tuesday that she seems very advanced for her age (if you can say that at 10 days old). She's such a strong baby. She can already hold her head up and even grabs on to your fingers if you hold them in front of her and pulls herself up. She even puts weight on her legs and stands up. It's crazy! She's able to focus on faces and objects very well. She smiles all the time and is very alert when she is awake. As of yesterday, she is 20.5 inches long (75th percetile), 7lbs 11oz (50th percentile).

First bath at home

Enjoy the pics and we'll keep you posted! Love you all and thanks again for everything!!!


Sand Castle said...

She's really so beautiful! Not that it is surprising. :) What a perfect little princess! It was great to chat the other day Brittnie, and I am just so happy everything is going well and that you are kind of done with the light therapy. Thanks for posting! much love to you all from all of us here!

Jenny Sand said...

What a fun post Brittnie! Taylor is a cutie!!! Enjoy this new season of your happy for you and John!

Creative Genius (at work) said...

Congratulations! This is so exciting, you two are going to be the sweetest parents :) Best wishes to you!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh could she be any more beautiful?! I can't tell you enough how happy we are for you guys and how fun it was to get to meet Taylor. Let us know what you are up to over the next week, we'd love to have you over for dinner to see the new place.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see some more pictures...she gets cuter in each one. What a blessing!! I am so happy for you two and can't wait to meet her in person!!!! Love you and miss you lots!!!

Mackenzie Turrill said...

congrats you guys!!! Our little girls have arrived! (playdates anyone?!? :) She is a VERY cute baby! I hope things are going well! (check out our blog too! Lots of love to you guys! mackenzie turrill