Monday, June 22, 2009

8 Months Old

Taylor was a very busy 8 month old. She learned how to clap and still hasn't stopped. It's so cute! She's such an entertainer and will do anything to get attention. She's too funny! It's never boring around our house! She learned how to crawl at the beginning of the month and learned how to pull herself up the next day. Our lives changed very quickly after that. It's a completely different world now. It's so amazing watching her learn and discover all the new things around her. She got her first tooth at 8-1/2 months and her second one a couple of weeks later. She loves any kind of food (except mashed potatoes...that's the only thing that she has turned her head to...silly kiddo). She LOVES to take baths and play with all of her turtles :)

Taylor clapping