Monday, June 22, 2009

New House

As most of you know we moved to a new house at the end of April. We painted the entire house before we moved in which was quite the task. Taylor and I spent every day up there for two weeks and John came over at night when he got off work along with a few other great family members who helped out when they could. Uncle Weed was such a HUGE help and we couldn't have done it without him. Thanks guys!! We love you! Taylor was such a trooper through the whole thing. I'm SO thankful that she wasn't quite crawling yet. We made a deal that she wouldn't start until we were done moving and she held her end.

We are pretty much all settled in now...still have a few rooms to paint and some other small things to do but we're getting there. We are loving the house SO much and hope to stay for a long time. We have a great back yard and have been spending a lot of time out there. We have plenty of room so come stay with us any time :)

Weed & Denise painting in the living room

John in the living room

Jenni painting Taylor's room

Taylor helping Mommy unpack

I'll try to get more pics of the house up soon. I keep forgetting!