Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Check out our sweet little cheerleader with the fancy bruise on her face that she got trying to climb out of her crib. Little stinker!

Party at Jenni's house the day before Halloween...
Check out all those kiddos! She's crazy but she did a great job keeping them all entertained!

Taylor and her buddy Tyler. I LOVE that he has his arm around her!

Our good friend Corrie turned the big 3-0 that day so we got a baby sitter and went to an 80's themed party for her that night. Gotta love the 80's!!!

On Halloween night we went to our friends Josh and Kelly's party...

The Chase boys (Ben, John and Josh)

How cute are these girls? (Pebbles and Wilma...aka...Mimi & Mackenzie)

We took Taylor and Mimi Trick-or-Treating for the first time (Or maybe we used them so the mamas could score some chocolate!) They had so much fun and were SO stinkin' cute in the little red wagon. The just looked at each other and giggled.

They even got teddy bears from one sweet neighbor! How cute is that?