Friday, August 26, 2011

Arizona trip

In May we took a short family vacation to Phoenix. John's brother has a second home there which they were so gracious to let us stay at. It was super hot while we were there but we still had a great time. It was a much needed getaway!

It was Taylor's first time on an airplane and she did great. She was so excited and even though we left after her bedtime she was a trooper and did really well.

John and Taylor looking at the planes
Waiting for our plane
One the plane :)

...and she's out

We got to the house really late that night so we just got settled and went straight to bed. The next day we went to the Phoenix zoo. It was really hot so we didn't see many animals because they were all sleeping but Taylor had fun playing in all the fountains. We spent most of the time just playing in the water.

this is the view that we usually have of her

checking out the flamingos with daddy

riding the carousel

playing in the fountains

more fountains

all tuckered out.

After the zoo, we went back to the house and got cleaned up and then went out for a nice dinner at the Kona Grill. We had an amazing meal and Taylor loved the huge fish tanks.

On our way to dinner

Taylor singing her ABC's on our way to dinner.

Taylor singing her ABC's and some version of Old McDonald's Farm :)

My raspberry martini at the Kona Grill

best calamari ever!
Vegas roll and macadamia crusted chicken in the background...mmmm

The next day we decided to go find a pool and just relax since it was such a hot day. It was crazy how hard it was to find a pool in Phonix. We ended up finding one but it didn't open until 4pm so we drove around and got some ice cream until we could go. Kind of a bummer but we made the best of it and had fun with the little time we had.

wiped out after swimming

After swimming we went and showered then went to a super cool steak house called San Tan Flat. They have an indoor seating area but also a huge outdoor area with bars, a stage with live music and the tables around the stage have their own fire pits where you can roast marshmallows or make s'mores. We had a great time there. It was a beautiful night to be outside, listening to music, eating great food and roasting marshmallows. Taylor had a great time dancing to the music.

listening to the band warm up

playing with the other kids on the dance floor

being silly with daddy.

roasting marshmallows at our table

We had to fly home the following day but not until later in the afternoon so we spent the morning shopping and trying out In-and-Out Burger for the first time. It was a winner in our book. mmmm

At the airport Taylor found a friend to run around with. Nice way to kill some time :)

It was a great trip and we're excited to go back sometime soon!