Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fun Visitors!

In June, our good friends, Kole & Shannon came to visit us from Colorado. We miss them like crazy so it was really great to see them and catch up for a weekend. They have a little girl (Payton) and Taylor absolutely fell in love with her. She was such a little mama to her and didn't leave her side the entire weekend. They got here on Friday night. We caught up for a few minutes and then went downtown to check out the street fair that we have every Friday night. Taylor and Payton had fun mingling and dancing while we chatted.

On Saturday we took them to the fish hatchery and played at the park.

Taylor pushing Payton in her stroller

Checking out the fish

Feeding the ducks

How sweet are these girls? Love them!


After the park we went home so the girls could take a nap and the adults played some Wang (yard game). That evening we went to Deadwood. It was Wild Bill Days so there were tons of people in town. We watched part of the Dock Dogs Competition and grabbed some dinner at the Deadwood Social Club.

Sunday was Father's Day and the guys got up early and went golfing while the girls relaxed in our pj's.

When the guys got home we took a drive up the canyon and stopped at Cheyenne Crossing for Indian Tacos. Yum!

After that, we stopped at Roughlock Falls for a quick view. It's so beautiful up there!

Little cuties

Good friends

Love this pic with the daddy's and their little girls!

We always have such a great time with the Harms clan. Can't wait for your visit next summer! ;)
Love you guys!