Monday, May 2, 2011

Christmas - Round 3!

The next day we drove to Pierre to spend some time with John's family. We got there just in time for another amazing feast. After we ate, the boys played some pool while the girls walked across the street to the Capitol to check out the festival of trees. We had a great time!

Cool chic excited to see Grandma Patty & Papa Stan

Cousin Ali painting Taylor's nails :)
The next day, Patty, John, Taylor and I walked back over to the Capitol to feed the geese and ducks. They were absolutely everywhere!

Beautiful day

We spent one more night at Stan & Patty's before jumping in the car again to go see my grandparents in Chamberlain. We were only able to spend an afternoon with them but it's always so great to see them. My grandma made us a yummy meal (again) and we chatted with them for awhile before we had to head back to Spearfish. We had an amazing holiday and am so excited for the years to come! We are SO blessed!

Taylor and Grandma-Great

Taylor and Grandpa-Great