Wednesday, May 4, 2011


So, in early January we were on our way to work and this happened. Ouch! Poor Jeep! This isn't something that I would normally blog about but there's a cute story to go along with it.
Our daycare was closed that morning so we were taking T- to my parents house for the day. She got a lifesize doll for Christmas and insisted on taking her to papa and grandma's house with her. So, Susie got to go and was sitting on the seat next to Taylor when the accident happened. We were at a stop sign waiting to turn. It was icy out and a guy was turning and slid right into us. Totally wasn't his fault but long story. Anyway, we could see it was going to happen and John said, "Everybody hold on!" As soon as he hit us, Taylor shouted, "Are you okay baby Susie?" We were pretty surprised that it didn't scare her because we got hit pretty hard. It actually pushed us over an entire lane! Cutest thing ever that she was so worried about her baby. She's such a good little mama! :)