Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Trip to CO

In January we made a quick trip to CO for John's Grandpa's 89th Birthday! He's the most amazing man and you would never guess he's 89. We had so much fun with all of the family there and just being back in CO. I wasn't very good at taking pics and didn't get any of the bday party (go figure). We stayed with John's aunt and uncle-two of our favorite people (Weed and Denise) while we were there. They are always so nice to let us stay with them and take such good care of us. We love them to pieces and miss them like crazy so it was really nice to spend some extra time with them.

We didn't get to see very many friends on this trip but we did go see our friends, Kole and Shannon and their little girl, Payton. Taylor loved Payton and had fun playing with all of her toys :) Thanks for having us over guys! We miss you tons! xoxo

Taylor holding Payton. How cute is she?

Cool girl

Taylor & Xander hugging as we were leaving...

Taylor with Aunt Jenni

and Taylor with Nana.

We also got to go see John's sister and her family and new baby Logan before we left town. He was born just a few days before we got there and it was fun snuggling with a tiny baby again :) Taylor and cousin Riley had fun playing together! We really miss being close to you guys and wish the girls could play more often :(

Taylor and Riley

Papa Stan, Grandma Patty, baby Logan and Taylor


(I stole a couple of these pictures off of Becky's website.)