Wednesday, March 21, 2012

10 weeks to go!!!

I'm 30 weeks pregnant and everything is going good. This pregnancy has definitely been a little tougher than the last. Everything just hurts more but I still have it pretty good so I won't complain too much :)
I did fail my glucose test a couple of weeks ago so I had to go in this week and do the 4-hour test. Not fun! I only failed by a couple of points so I was pretty frustrated that I had to go in for the big test. The nurses convinced me that I really should and I decided that I would just to know and to keep them happy. I had to go in on my day off which made it even worse. You have to fast for 12 hours so that meant no breakfast. I get really weak and shaky if I don't eat so that definitely didn't help. Then they make you drink that yucky super sweet orange drink which made me really shaky. Then you sit in the lab for 4 hours and they take blood every hour. If you know me at all you know how much I hate needles so this was not fun for me at all. I brought my laptop with me and worked while I was waiting so at least I got paid to be there. I finished ok and went and got a Big Mac and a diet coke right afterwards. Don't judge! I deserved it :) I got my results a couple of days later and I passed. Thank goodness! So, anyways...only 10 weeks to go. I'm getting ready to meet this little girl!