Thursday, March 22, 2012


I didn't really have any cravings when I was pregnant with Taylor and it's been the same with this one until recently. For some reason a memory popped up in my mind from when I was little. We used to eat at the Country Kitchen all the time when I was younger and they had a dessert called a hot fudge cake. It was yummy chocolate cake layered with ice cream, more chocolate cake, hot fudge, whipped cream and a cherry on top. It was like a foot tall and way more dessert than anyone needs. Anyway, that was years ago but for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about it. The restaurant is now the Millstone but it's basically the same thing. I told John about the hot fudge cake and for some reason he thought to call and see if they still had it on their menu and whatta ya know they did! We ordered one and went to go pick it up. Oh my goodness...It completely filled one of the styrofoam to-go containers and was absolutely amazing. It was everything I remembered. Well, I have been craving them like crazy. They are SOOO good! We even took our friends to go get them one night. They are going to start to get to know us if I keep this up. Oh, and it's only $3.50. Crazy deal. It's a good thing I didn't discover this earlier in my pregnancy. :)