Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas again this year. We were able to just stay home and enjoy a few days together. It was really nice and relaxing and just what we needed.
We woke up to find that Santa had come to visit. Taylor was SO excited to see all of her presents and started opening them right away. She got spoiled rotten and had a blast! Mom and Dad got spoiled too. SO fun! 

Santa came to visit


 After opening presents we made some red velvet pancakes (Yum!) and played with our new toys.

After awhile, we got ready and went up to my parents house where we got spoiled all over again. My mom made some yummy appetizers and then we opened more presents. We must have been good kids this year. :)  Taylor got a kids karaoke machine and put on a concert for us. Pretty entertaining kiddo we have.

Sadie worn out after all those presents. Taylor's new puppy wanting to play