Thursday, March 22, 2012

She's Here!

Devyn Faith Ainsworth made her appearance on Monday, February 27th at 3:01 am. She was 7lbs 3 oz and 18 inches long and absolutely perfect. We were so excited to meet her and welcome her to our family. Taylor is SO excited to be a big sister and is so sweet with her.
I had been having regular braxton hicks contractions for 2-3 weeks before. Sometimes at 3 minutes apart for hours at a time so it was a little stressful that last little while not knowing if it was go-time or not. Well on Sunday they were 2-3 minutes all morning and a little bit stronger than they had been. I finally just decided to go in and get checked. I was worried they would send me home but I never felt my contractions with Taylor at the beginning so it made me a little nervous. I called my mom and had her come down to stay with Taylor and John and I went in to the hospital around 3pm. They checked me and I was 3 cm so they hooked me up to the monitors for an hour to see if I was progressing. After the hour, not much had changed. I was 3.5 cm but since I was having contractions like crazy they decided to keep me. I walked the halls and started progressing a little more. The Dr. came in a little later and broke my water and then things really started progressing. Even though it was still kind of early and my contractions were not too painful, I decided to get my epidural. I just had a feeling and thank goodness I did. By the time the anesthesiologist got up there, my contractions were pretty intense.  Then, things got a little crazy. The Dr. couldn't get the epidural in the right spot so I could feel her digging around in my back and at the same time I started progressing really fast. I got the shakes really bad because of all the hormones going through my body. It was like horrible tremors that I couldn't control. Not fun with a huge needle being stuck in my back. Then because I started progressing so fast my blood pressure dropped really fast so they put me on oxygen. Because of that they couldn't tell which heart rate was mine and which was the babies so they had to stick another monitor on the baby's scalp. The anesthesiologist finally got the needle in and it started to work but I could still feel everything on my right side. I was very scared that it wouldn't kick in. I could still feel my contractions on that side and they were very intense. They had me laying on my right side so that gravity would help it take on that side. It never did until they had me roll over on my back to start pushing. Then it finally took for the most part. Thank goodness! It was a pretty intense hour or so. At that point, my contractions slowed down to about 7-8 minutes a part so I would push and then get a nice break until the next one. I only pushed 5 or 6 times and then we got to meet our sweet little girl.  She was so sweet and snuggled right in. We're SO excited to be a family for 4 and she is such a good baby. I'm in LOVE!

7 lbs 3 oz

Proud daddy

Bath time

One of our nurses made this super cute little hat and gave it to Devyn. So sweet!

Meeting grandma and papa
And big sister!
Proud sister!

Our happy family of 4!