Thursday, March 22, 2012

Baby Shower

My good friend, Chelsea offered to throw me a baby shower for baby #2. I was a little hesitant. It's hard for me to invite people to a party and ask them to bring me presents. I know...just one of my things. Especially since we had pretty much everything already. Chelsea came up with the idea of doing a diaper and hair accessory shower. I thought that was a great idea and knew we would definitely be needing lots of diapers. It was so sweet of her to offer. She sent out a cute e-vite and made food/snacks and brought some decorations. It was great to spend the afternoon with the girls and Taylor had a blast being a part of it. She got to open all the presents and entertained everyone (as usual). Thanks Chelsea! We really appreciate your thoughtfulness. :)

Taylor and aunt Jenny building a diaper tower :)