Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Trip to CO - Opa's 90th Birthday

John's grandpa (Opa) turned 90 in January so we took a trip to CO to help him celebrate. We had a great time. Almost 200 people came to his party and all of the friends/family that were from out of town stayed at the same hotel so it made for a super fun weekend. He has a huge family. I can't remember how many grandkids there are but our baby will be #101 for great-grandkids. Pretty amazing! All of John's siblings and his mom were there. It was the first time they've all been together for a few years. Taylor had fun playing with her cousins and loving on her aunts and uncles. We got there on Friday afternoon and just hung out with everyone. Saturday was party day. It was SO great to see everyone there for Opa. He was amazing and had his picture taken with everyone that was there. He's pretty amazing! They had a photo booth set up at the party and as you can see everyone had a good time with that. :)  On Sunday we just hung out and watched some football. Our friends Kole & Shannon and their daughter Payton came to visit us. It's always great to catch up with them. That night a few of us went out for sushi. Yum! It was such a great trip and probably our last for awhile with the baby coming soon. Can't wait for birthday #91.

Taylor sitting on the ball at Target

All the family

Taylor and Mama playing in the photo booth

Even baby #2 dressed up :)

Taylor and cousin Riley

Taylor, Riley, Jaxon and Connor(?)

Riley, Grandma Patty and Taylor

Daddy got in on the action too

All the sibs

Opa :)

Mimi, Riley and T-

LOVE this picture

Taylor and Ali

Ali and Madison put nails on Taylor. They didn't last long but she was pretty excited to be a "big girl"

John and Logan watching some football with the fam

How cute is he?

On Sunday night some of us went out for suishi. Taylor is enjoying her edamame and udon noodles

Taylor holding baby Fischer. She was SO excited!